Winnovart News

EIC Fund - Investment Gap: Signed vs Selected Deals

Written by Demmis Necula | April 20, 2023

The investment gap refers to the difference between the number of companies that have been selected for equity investment by the EIC Fund and the number of companies that have signed a deal. There is limited public information on the number of companies that have signed a deal with the EIC Fund under Horizon Europe. This data is available for companies that signed deals during the pilot phase during 2019-20. Yet only 39.5% of the signed deals during the pilot phase have been made public. Although there are multiple reasons behind this gap, our survey results may provide insight into some of the reasons. The following section provides further insight into this investment gap. 

The EIC Fund investment gap at a glance

Since the creation of the EIC Fund during the EIC Pilot Phase, 341 companies have been selected for equity investment in the form of blended or equity-only funding. However, only 89 of these companies have managed to sign a deal with the EIC Fund. The EIC Fund investment gap is represented by the 252 companies which are yet to sign a deal and receive investment. This represents a remarkable 74% of companies selected to receive funding. 

However, this gap could also represent a great investment opportunity for private investors: an opportunity to invest in innovative, science-backed companies with breakthrough technologies.

Read more: 

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