Winnovart News

EEA & Norway grants – Submission Statistics Business Innovation Greece 2020 | Winnovart

Written by dcc | March 19, 2021

37 project proposals submitted under the Business Innovation Programme of the EEA & Norway grants in Greece.  

EUR 13 million was the budget made available to SMEs and large enterprises via the 2nd call for project proposals under Business Innovation Greece, operated by Innovation Norway. The call for proposals opened in October 2020, with funding intensities of up to 80% and grants up to EUR 1.5 million. The deadline for this call for proposals was on 18 Feb 2021.  

Approximately EUR 33 million is the total budget of all submitted applications, with grant amount of EUR 18.3 million. Around 33% of the projects have a Norwegian partner. 

The call for proposals covers 3 focus areas: Green Industry Innovation, Blue Growth and ICT. 38% of the applications were submitted under Green Industry Innovation (EUR 5.3 million grant available), around 43% under ICT (EUR 6 million grant available) and 19% under Blue Growth (EUR 1.7 million grant available).  

This data is based om the information published by the Fund Operator.   

The projects submitted are going now through an evaluation process that typically comprises 3 stages:  

  1. Administrative & Eligibility check
  2. Technical and financial assessment (includes a score-based evaluation)
  3. Selection of projects (shortlisting of projects and pre-contracting communication)    

The overall evaluation process would typically take 4-6 months (from application deadline) subject to the Fund Operator’s own timeline and resources. 

Winnovart supports projects already submitted to the Fund Operator. 
For more information about the various types of support we provide during the Evaluation process, read here. 


Competition timeline, consistency and transparency profile 

Details  Status  Date  Comments 
Competition launch  Yes  Oct 2020  N/A 
Deadline extension after launch  No N/A N/A 
Competition deadline  Yes  18 Feb 2021 N/A 
Competition statistics published after submission deadline  Yes (summary)  N/A   Link to published results 
Communication of results to individual applicants  Yes Q1 2021  Evaluation in progress as of the date of this post.  
Official publication of results (website and or/ other media)   Yes Q1 2021 Link to published results 
Publication of score and score-based ranking  No  N/A  Despite a detailed scoring scheme as part of the guidelines, the Fund Operator does not publish score-based ranking list.
List of applicants published  No  N/A  N/A
List of selected beneficiaries published (all consortium partners)  No  N/A  Evaluation in progress as of the date of this post. 
Full details about project title, budget, partner roles and budget breakdown between partners  No  N/A  Budget breakdown between partners is usually not available.

For more details on the first call for proposals under the Business Innovation programme in Greece in 2019, read here. 

Follow our regular updates on the calls for project proposals under the Business Innovation Greece programme here. For any other ongoing updates about the EEA & Norway grants, please get in touch with us, or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.   

Don‘t forget to subscribe to our regular updates. 


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