Winnovart News

EEA & Norway grants statistics – Competition results Energy Programme 2019 | Winnovart

Written by dcc | January 28, 2021

At, Winnovart, it is part of our mission to bring transparency in the grants-based market space. We do this in the funding areas and for the funding mechanisms we are working with. This is why we are introducing a very comprehensive analysis of the EEA & Norway grants statistics available so far (the business programmes operated by Innovation Norway). We believe this might be the most comprehensive analysis so far on the market and we trust this will enable you to make better decisions when applying for funding under this mechanism. 

Based on the competition results and other official statistics published by the Fund Operator, we are reviewing: the real level of budget allocation vs the initial budget announced for the competition; real budget allocation across the programme focus areas and funding streams; average funding intensities; projects distribution between focus areas and funding streams. The analysis presents data and conclusions that might be different to what the competition calls and guidelines were presenting upon the programme launch. 

If you would like to discuss a new project idea with us or accelerate your access to funding:


This is our analysis of the Energy Programme in Romania, 2019 competition, based on the final results published by the Fund Operator during 2020, covering Call 1 Hydropower, Call 2 Geothermal, Call 3 Other RES and SGS-1 Hydropower, geothermal and other renewables for SMEs and NGOs. 

  1. Initial programme budget at the opening of this competition (2019) 
  2. Overall budget spending after the first call of the competition 
  3. Budget spending by programme focus area 
  4. Budget spending across focus areas 
  5. Budget spending across the funding streams 
  6. Project count/distribution by focus area 
  7. Funding intensity analysis 

Competition timeline, consistency and transparency profile 

Details  Status  Date  Comments 
Competition launch  Yes  Q1 2019 N/A 
Deadline extension after launch  No 14 March 2019 N/A 
Competition deadline  Yes  7 May 2019 Call 2 (geothermal) and SGS-1 (hydropower, geothermal and other RES for SMEs and NGOs)
Competition statistics published after submission deadline  Yes   N/A   N/A 
Communication of results to individual applicants  Yes  Q2-Q3 2020 N/A
Official publication of results (website and or/ other media)   Yes Q4 2020 Link to published results
Publication of score and score-based ranking  No  N/A  Despite a detailed scoring scheme as part of the guidelines, the Fund Operator does not publish score-based ranking list.
List of applicants published  No  N/A  N/A
List of selected beneficiaries published (all consortium partners)  Yes Nov 2020 Link to published results – Renewable Energy
Full details about project title, budget, partner roles and budget breakdown between partners  Yes/No (some project details available but no budget breakdown for partners) Nov 2020 Budget breakdown between partners not available.

For more details on the preliminary statistics of the first calls for proposals under the Energy Programme in 2019, read here. 

How can Winnovart help you

– if you would like to discuss a new project idea with us, don’t hesitate to fill in our funding readiness questionnaire. and we will come back with our independent feedback.  

– Winnovart’s independent service options are designed to help you accelerate your access to this funding and navigate with confidence through the entire process of applying for, obtaining the grant and implementing your project successfully.  

For more information on the Energy Programme in Romania, please read here. Additionally, for ongoing updates about the EEA & Norway grants, please get in touch with us, or follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter

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