EEA & Norway Grants – EUR 230 million allocated to Hungary
EUR 214.6 million will be allocated to Hungary under the EEA & Norway Grants 2014-2021, with additional EUR 15 million through national contribution. Hungary is one of the 15 Beneficiary States across the EU in this new funding cycle to have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Donor States (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein).
From this total budget, up to EUR 111.7 Million will create direct opportunities for the private sector, through the programmes: Business Development, Innovation, and SMEs (EUR 53 million) and Climate Change and Energy (EUR 59 million). This is 26% of the total budget for Climate Change and Energy and 23% for Business Development, Innovation, and SMEs making them the two highest receiving programmes.
The Business Development, Innovation, and SMEs largest support programmes for the creation of additional value and growth in Hungary are through the focus areas: Green Industry Innovation, ICT, and Welfare technologies. With female entrepreneurs and starts-ups receiving a small portion of the funding. All these programmes will encourage bilateral cooperation projects between Hungarian and Norwegian partners and those will be given priority in the selection process.
The Climate Change and Energy will contribute 60% of the total budget via the programme area, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, with the remaining 40% going to the programme area, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security. With special concern given to geothermal energy as a source of renewable energy. The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) being actively involved in the development of the program.
These programme areas open excellent opportunities for organizations in Donor State countries interested to partner in bilateral projects in the areas mentioned above, together with local Project Promoters from Hungary.
Further programme areas of less direct relevance for the private sector (incl. allocation in million euro) are:
- – Education (4.5)
- – Social Dialogue – Decent Work (1)
- – Local Development (31)
- – Culture (17)
- – Civil Society (11)
- – Bilateral fund (4)
Adding up the national contribution to the grants, the total funding allocation in Hungary will amount over EUR 230 million under the EEA & Norway grants mechanism 2014-2021, making it the third largest recipient.
The current EEA & Norway Grants 2014 – 2021 funding cycle includes 15 Beneficiary States with a EUR 2.8 billion (EUR 1.5 billion EEA Grants and EUR 1.3 billion Norway Grants). Out of these, the Donor States have signed to date a Memorandum of Understanding with Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, The Czech Republic, Portugal, Estonia, Malta, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania.
For a complete overview of the EEA & Norway Grants, follow our updates here.